Text of Valor

Valor Kedungjati on Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan RT.2/RW.2 Kedungjati, Grobogan, Jawa Tengah 58167 (Depan Gereja Kedungjati) -New info: Check www.facebook.com/ValorKedungjati & don't forget to like it-

Friday, May 25, 2012

Valor Computer (kedungjati), Small Business And E-Commerce

Picture taken from www.oktomagazine.com
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the largest group of economic actors in the economy of Indonesia. Resistance to the crisis has proved as the safety of the national economy in times of crisis. It is still evident in role as a dynamic factor of economic growth after the economic crisis.
Advancement of Information Technology (IT) with the electronic trading technology offers to SMEs to develop business. The chances are very open and technically easy to administer.
As well as for media promotion kedungjati Valor Computer tries to provide information about the advantages of using e-commerce.
By utilizing e-commerce kedungjati Valor Computer in business operations or SMEs will gain broader market access and the opportunity to gain new customers. On the other hand, the customer will be easier to get the required information on-line.

Meanwhile, businesses also have the advantage of efficiency in terms of transportation costs, telephone or fax communications, shipping, documents, prints, time and resources.

Implementation of e-commerce for Valor Computer or SMEs could be many. Can be used for product development, promotions, online transactions, delivery, and for after-sales service. Can also be a gradual implementation, for example by using a computer in the next office computer activities are connected with the Internet and use the Internet to find information and share information.

Next, SMEs can build websites for businesses and introduce products or services. Ultimately, businesses will use the Internet for the purpose of business transactions with customers and business partners.

Develop e-Commerce is not difficult, starting from the small and start now, by learning to use computers and the Internet, have an existing email address of the card, promoting products through the web, or selling goods at online stores.

In a business context, the Internet brings the impact of creating a new paradigm of doing business, a digital marketing or Internet marketing. Internets term refers to the process of a company engaged in business activities electronically (e-commerce or e-business), especially by utilizing the Internet as a media, market, and supporting infrastructure.

E-commerce is extremely promising, especially if it has been supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities. Because e-commerce will be an alternative for a new business system that is in accordance with the geographical condition of Indonesia.

Valor Computer (kedungjati) In Action
Valor Computer in kedungjati
Can provide the best solution for colleagues who find difficulty in determining decisions about IT and data processing in particular, especially in the area and surrounding kedungjati

- Serving Photocopy, computer rental, Typing, editing and setting.
- Receiving Service Laptop, Computer.
- IT Consulting (Applications, LAN, Hot Spot Area, etc).

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Contact Person
F. Rossy JN (085725835107) PIN BB 28C42BA8, Twitter @masirex
Sony Andrias Suci (081390268141) PIN BB 274C85FC, Twitter @sony_AS